Top Reasons Why Home Staging is Important

Category Selling

One of the best ways to sell a home quickly is to have a home staged.

This allows the buyer to see the home in the best light possible and it allows the homeowner to effectively accentuate the best features of the home.

Real estate is an industry where first impressions last, so the structure of the home must be highlighted rather than the interior. Sellers have a lot to gain by minimalizing the contents of the rooms and simply letting the house show what it has to offer.

Here are a few reasons why home staging is so important for a quick sale: 

#1 - Buyers know what they want

Buyers often know what they want in a house before they start their search. When they visit a showhouse, they look for features that meet their criteria.

By staging your home, you are making it easier for buyers to recognize those features and they can visualize themselves living there.

The visual appeal of an open house makes it so much easier for buyers to make an informed decision, which highly likely leads to a faster sale. 

#2 - It focuses on the potential

Buying a home is a very personal experience because buyers project their own design tastes when stepping inside a house.

Home staging allows the buyer to visualize the property as their future home and to recognize the potential that it holds.

It highlights the structural characteristics so that the buyer can immediately see which room will serve a particular function. It even helps the buyer envision possibilities for expansion later in their life.

The only way this is going to happen is by going for the minimalistic look. You cannot predict everyone's tastes so neutral and simple is the best way to go.

#3 - It prioritises key spaces

When staging a home, it is important to note that not all rooms enjoy equal status in the house.

Some rooms are of more importance and these are the rooms that should be focussed on in particular. The important rooms are the living room, kitchen, and bathroom.

This is good news for sellers because it means you do not have to have as many resources to stage the entire house. Knowing what is important, gives you the advantage of prioritizing these areas and making the biggest impact. 

#4 - It can increase the value of a home

Buyers are visually inclined. This means that the better the house looks, the more impressed they will be.

Many agents and buyers have said that home staging increased their offer upon buying.

Very few agents and buyers have had negative experiences with home staging, so it is a nothing-to-lose-but-everything-to-gain situation.

This holds especially true for homes that boast unique or expensive décor. Even though the buyer will not buy the décor along with the house, it still makes the experience visually appealing and the buyer looks at the house with a new perspective. 

#5 - It decreases the amount of time spent on the market

One of the most frustrating things a seller can experience is having his house on the market for too long. It derails any plans that they might have had.

Home staging decreases the amount of time a house spends on the market (also known as Days On Market, or DOM). The reason for this is because of the abovementioned points.

Buyers are visually attracted to the house, they have the chance to see it with their own eyes, and they can envision themselves making it a home in the years to come. 

Home staging does not need to be expensive but it needs to be done right. It truly is in the seller's best interest to at least try it out!


Submitted 03 Dec 20 / Views 1328